Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini and Lemon

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Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini and Lemon

Roasting is for veggies! And one of my favorite ways to roast veggies is drizzling with olive oil, lightly salting then broiling. Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, and eggplant – are favs for roasting. A beneficial thing about roasting is it keeps the nutrients in the food, not messy like frying, and is a … more »
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Zaatar Mana’esh

Zaatar slathered on warm flatbread – Mana’esh- is a beloved Mediterranean snack enjoyed fresh from neighborhood ovens. Mana’esh comes from the Arabic word Na’esh which means to create marks or impressions (Manou’she – singular). This is done when we press the dough to make small impressions or pockets that get filled with the Zaatar Spread. … more »
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